
Anna Kate Beck, Foster High School TX

Coach for the Beginner Lab

Celina Detwiler Gray is a junior at FAU High School in Boca Raton, Florida. She's the President of her school's Mock Trial team and has competed in Mock Trial since her freshman year as both a witness and lawyer. As a lawyer, she's received Best Attorney at Districts, and her team has competed and placed at the FSU Sunshine State Showdown and Yale Bulldog Invitational. Outside of Mock Trial, Celina has a passion for the environment and serves as the President of Growing Native Oases Meant for Engagement (GNOME), which is an organization that provides access to gardening. She is excited to share her Mock Trial knowledge with Equitrial!

Celina Detwiler, FAU Highschool

Coach for the Advanced Lab

Anna Kate Beck is a Sophomore at Foster High School and is on track for the legal field. She is the Founder and President of the Foster High School Law and Mock Trial Team in Texas. Anna Kate competed as an attorney in the YMCA's Youth in Government Mock Trial competition and was awarded Top 3 Teams. She received the Outstanding Trial Court Team award as an attorney at the District competition. Her team then advanced to the state competition, and she was awarded Outstanding Club Leader for her role in leading and coaching her team. Anna Kate attended and completed the iLead law seminar at Thurgood Marshall School of Law and gained knowledge about the diversity of race, ethnicity, and gender that is crucial to the legal field. She has attended and completed the Dallas, Texas Championship Mock Trial Camp. She believes a career in law is achievable to all, and resources like Mock Trial are necessary to nurture the passion of young attorneys.