Karina Brown Karina Brown

The Price of Freedoom

By: Ayaan Baqai (5 minute read)

Freedom - I often wondered out loud whether we, as Americans, should fight harder to get back to the principles that established our colonies to begin with, and be inspired to persevere to be our own country. If we, Americans, value Freedom, do we apply Freedom uniformly across all demographics that exist within our society today, or is it only limited to the constituents that live within the United States?

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Karina Brown Karina Brown

Balancing the Scales: Equity in Mock Trial

By: Karina Brown

It's a troubling paradox: the very students who possess the talent and passion to excel in mock trial are often the ones who find themselves at a disadvantage, simply because their schools lack the resources to compete on equal footing. And as a result, schools are left with a sobering reality: that success in mock trial isn't just about talent—it's about access.

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Karina Brown Karina Brown

A Case for Hybrid Teams: Let the People Choose

By: Kai Zhang

“Debate exemplifies a paradox: it is simultaneously hyper individualistic and reliant on collective team collaboration. You are awarded individual speaker scores that rank you against your teammates, creating a sense of internal competition as you try to out place everyone and anyone. But in order to deliver those round-winning speeches, you almost certainly would have to rely on your teammates’ support, work with each other, and be a team player yourself.”

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